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Bundaberg Sugar Terminal Load out Wharf

Subsea & Splash Zone Coatings

Project Data

LocationBundaberg Queensland
Asset OwnerQSL
ProductsSeaShield Series 2000FD™

QSL’s Bundaberg sugar terminal was established in 1958 and has a capacity of 340,000 tonnes of raw sugar. The load out wharf is located on the Burnett River and is comprised of 424mm OD hexagonal piles. 

At the outset of corrosion prevention works at Bundaberg, SeaShield Series 2000FD™ was selected by QSL as the system of choice. The 2000FD™ system offers unique material quality which reflects in its strength and robustness. 

Denso exclusively use virgin, blown HDPE in the manufacture of their jackets which give them flexibility, durability and protects against accelerated low water corrosion. The hoop tension gained during application of the jacket and sustained during the extensive service life is unmatched and is a heavy contributing factor to the extended service life that this system offers. 

Denso Australia have worked closely with the selected applicator, Advanced Aqua Blasting, for a number of years, particularly on QSL / STL Assets. PE fillers were used to enable the hexagonal piles to be wrapped and tensioned effectively with the 2000FD™ system. 

The QSL Bundaberg load out wharf represents an excellent example of how an asset owner can ensure that their asset will be durably protected by a proven system backed with global case studies and independent testing that endorses each component product and its ability to achieve sustained performance.