Denso Steelcoat™ Protects Scottish Water Pipes
The Denso Steelcoat 100/400™ System has been used to protect two water pipes below a footbridge which crosses a small stream at Scottish Water’s Killylour Water Treatment Works, in Dumfries & Galloway.
The Denso Steelcoat 100/400 System comprises Denso Hi-Tack™ Primer, Denso Profiling Mastic™, Denso Hi-Tack™ Tape, Denso Ultraseal™ Tape and Denso™ Acrylic Topcoat. The system provides an excellent surface coating solution for exposed steelwork, particularly in areas that are faced with constant damp or humid conditions.
Due to the complexity of the structure and the small gaps between the pipes and supporting steel beams, both the Denso Hi-Tack Tape and Denso Ultraseal Tape had to be applied by a mixture of techniques.
This involved weatherboard methods at the joints and “spiral” and “cigarette” wrapping of the barrel lengths. On some sections, the rolls of tape were partially decanted onto empty cores to allow spiral wrapping where possible.
The main contractor for this project was George Leslie Ltd. Sub-contractor was HySpec Services Ltd.

The completed application at Killylour Water Treatment Works.

Corrosion was evident on the exposed steel prior to the system being applied.

The system mid-application.

Denso Hi-Tack Tape™ is one component of the system.

The completed application at Killylour Water Treatment Works.

Corrosion was evident on the exposed steel prior to the system being applied.

The system mid-application.